The continued congestion in Harlow North will only increase, say Harlow Labour. Although Harlow Council confirmed the need for a second M11 junction, it was agreed upon with the assurance that it would be built with the use of a northern ring road, with weight limits imposed. This was with the view that traffic through the already heavily congested northern Harlow would be eased.
A storm from residents has caused the Tories to back-track and blame everyone but themselves. However, this blame-game does nothing but show the Tories for what they really are. Incompetent.
Harlow Labour Councillor and Highways Champion, Danny Purton said:
“Sadly, it seems that the Tory-run ECC with no effective opposition from Mike Garnett, the local Tory County Councillor, have ignored the assurances made to Harlow Council. At the time, many residents were rightly furious over these plans as it not only affects the traffic in the area, but also the environmental impacts; both to the air quality and the ecological damage caused.
“After years of delays caused by the construction works along Edinburgh Way, it seems the same is about to happen to Gilden Way. The unaccountable Essex County Council after ignoring the outcome of numerous meeting with Residents are proceeding to construct a dangerous 3-lane highway straight into the North Harlow residential areas.
I have already demanded that a weight limit be imposed along First Avenue otherwise Heavy Vehicles will ignore the official Lorry Route and carry on to Town Centre and Pinnacles past Schools, Shopping and over numerous pedestrian crossing places.”
Laura McAlpine, who is hoping to replace the ineffective Mike Garnett in the May Elections, said:
“If Labour were in office and had the power to implement the right solution to the problem, Harlow would have had a northern ring road by now instead of spending the £Millions on building “the Dual Carriageway to Nowhere” along Edinburgh Way – they really are hopeless!
“This would have worked to ease congestion in the town making full purpose of the need for the second M11 Junction. Unfortunately, the short-sightedness of the Tories has caused years of chaos by implementing infrastructure that not only is going to increase congestion in the town but have lasting ecological impacts whilst increasing the levels of pollution in Harlow North, and further destroying air quality of the area.
“I will be keeping up the pressure on this issue during the Election Campaign and look to win the support of the Public in all the three Wards of Harlow North that are most affected.”